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Welcome to the Page of the very muscular & extremely attractive NPC National Level Bodybuilder AMBER DeLUCA!

(all pictures are used by Amber's  personal permission)



Some Info about AMBER:


 Amber DeLuca
Nationality:  American Indian; Omaha/Shoshone Bannock tribes
Dob:  07/26/67
Height:  5'9
Weight: 196 lbs.

I will be 201 lbs by june at 11% body fat.

Best bench: 285 lbs 8-10 reps, pull-ups: 15, best incline: 75 pounds

Shoulder shrugs: 650 lbs 20 reps on hammer shrug machine

Seated Calf Press: 425 Lbs for 77 reps

Incline press: 205 8-10 reps
Dumb Bell Curl on incline: 100 lbs 8 reps
15-18 full range Chinups


Intercollegiate Volleyball Player, United States Air Force Air Combat Command Athlete of the Year, Pennsylvania State Armwrestling Champion, Sportclimber, Billy The Kid Tombstone Obstacle Course 3X Champion, 2000 NABBA Ms. Figure America, 2002 NABBA Ms. Universe Competitor, 2003 NPC Bodybuildng Heavyweight Mid-USA Champion, 2003 NM State Bodybuilding Heavyweight Champion, 2003 NPC National Bodybuilding Championships Competitor, 2005 NPC National Bodybuilding Championshops Competitor, NASA Benchpress Champion, King of the Cage Mixed Martial Arts Judge, Motivational Speaker for Indian communities in living healty lifestyles


Amber Anne DeLuca 
(Omaha/Shoshone/Bannock) was born and raised in Peninsula, Ohio, near the Cuyahoga River. She is the granddaughter of Levi Levering, an inspirational leader of the Omaha people during the early 1900's.


The Omaha nation recognizes Amber as “Ponca-sa”. The Ponca, Quapaw, Osage, Kansa, and Omaha peoples are believed to be closely related. However, over time, they diverged and formed their own separate nations. The work “Omaha” literally means “against the current” or “upstream”. Omahas moved upward the Missouri River, and settled in Macy, Nebraska. The name “Ponca-sa” means White Ponca. The Omaha language is derived from the Siouan linguistic stock. “Sa”, or white, symbolizes pure or good. Old names and traditions are preserved through the “Turning of the Child” ceremony, or commonly, naming ceremonies. Amber belongs to the Tapa (Deer) clan, one of seven clans within the Omaha nation.


Amber has always excelled athletically. She earned an athletic scholarship in volleyball at Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania, and helped lead the team to their first national appearance. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications/English in 1990.


Amber also served in the United States Air Force. She led the Armed Forces volleyball team to the World Military Championships in 1991. She received the prestigious “Air Combat Command Athlete of the Year” award in 1992. She is also a Desert Storm veteran.


Amber states: “I have always felt the need to express myself physically. I believe there is a warrior spirit within me that has guided me throughout my life. Therefore, I enjoy creating strong, bold, traditional and contemporary plains style articles that represent warrior societies”.


Amber is also an active member of the Native American Sports Council, an official member of the United States Olympic Committee. Amber comments: “As members of the NASC, we (Native Americans) can interface with Olympic coaches, assuming the role of a coach or athlete, through training and development camps. With this knowledge, we can train, recruit and recognize elite potential not only within our youths, but ourselves. Games are a tradition, a way of life for native peoples. Our elders envisioned our strength as unified people through these traditions. It feels good to pave the way for our youth while preserving our cultural identities.”




AMBER's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 1-5 are courtesy of Juan Carlos Lopez

© Photos 1-6 are courtesy of Mike Yurkovic



Video clips:


Video clip (9.2 MB)  Video clip (9.4 MB)

© Video clips are courtesy of Mike Yurkovic



Please also check out Amber's own website at:



Amber can be contacted by e-mail at

[email protected]


E-mail Amber



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