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Last update:


February 9th 2021



Welcome to the Profile Page of the very attractive and muscular Brazilian Bodybuilder DALVANIZA AQUINO!

(all pictures are used by Dalvaniza's personal permission)



Some Info about DALVANIZA:


Where and when were you born?
I am Brazilian with 37anos, working in the fitness area since 1997, as an athlete and bodybuilder for 8 years.
I'm a professional physical education and served in the area of ​​personal training.
My first competition happened to load my terms of experience for my achievements to international titles as WFF 2011 South American Championship. With a luggage successful my preparations now being much stronger for disputes in the universe and the world that happen this year 2012.
Each competing flows with a different experience, following trial and error that makes significant changes in our body where muscle maturation is remarkable.

Can you give me your competition history?
• 2011Overall Winner WFF 2011 South American Championship-OVERALL CHAMPION
• 2010 Brazilian -4 th place
• 2009-46-Paulistão VICE-CHAMPION
• 2009 43 ° Paulista interior-CHAMPION
• 2008 45 ° Paulista-CHAMPION
Among other in various settings.

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?

• 2011Overall Winner WFF 2011 South American Championship-OVERALL CHAMPION

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split / cardio, etc.)
I split my leg workout on three separate days on a weekly basis, incorporating my buttocks in both training sessions. I weight train my legs / glutes twice a week and later.On my days off, I can do without weights invested or activities such as hiking rollerblading, walking, etc. I train my hamstrings, calves and glutes on the first day. In a separate day I train quads and a range of exercises for my glutes and legs in general.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don't like so much?
Squats, and do not like Aerobic. I to be necessary.

Which body part is your best in your opinion?

My quads and glutes genetic favor.

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?

57kls weight off and pre contest 52.

What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?

Training routines with higher repetitions.

Please describe a typical day in the life of Dalvanzia Aquino.

Trabalho during the morning in the weight room at times defined by the gym, my afternoon take care of my home and family in my last end of the day with two hours of night training and sticking to schedule personal training.

Please tell me about what you do when you do not work out (hobbies, what you do to relax?, etc)
I like to stay home with my family and short dance in Sao Paulo nights.
What do you like the bodybuilding lifestyle / fitness? Be a mirror for other women and to attract the male audience.

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
Before rushing to compete lived shyness, today I am an exhibitionist and explore my sensual side with heat in pole dancing and strippers

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
To be successful, to have my own fitness gym here in Brazil.



DALVANIZA's Photo Gallery:


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Video clip:




Dalvaniza can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]



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