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Welcome to the Page of the attractive and very muscular Australian Bodybuilding Champion JO ROGERS!

(all pictures are used by Jo's personal permission)



Some Info about JO:


Where and when have you been born?
born in Sydney Australia in 1965 (makes me 39 very soon)


Where do you live now?
I now live in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, still in Australia, just a bit further north.


What is your profession?
I was initially trained as a commercial artist, but stopped that in my early 20's as I started dancing professionally. I entered into the fitness industry in the mid 90's and am still there. I started out teaching aerobics, then moved on to personal training, but now specialise in contest preparation - posing training, choreography, costume design and manufacture..........


What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights?
I began dancing and acrobatics when I was 7 and continued this till I was 25. I did competitive aerobics for about 4-5 years and retired from that when I was 30. I took up body building the very next year.


How and when did you get involved into lifting weights?
I was a challenger in Gladiators here in Australia and started some upper body training to improve my strength for the shows. I had done a small amount of sport specific training when I was competing in aerobics - mainly for leg power for jumps and upper body strength for one arm, one leg push ups. I loved the challenge and my trainer was always amazed at how far he could push me and just how strong I was. This all occured in 1995. I started training for my first bodybuilding comp in the beginning of 1996.


Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
Definitely a goal to compete straight away. I had admired bodybuilders from a young age and was really keen to get into the sport.


Which competition has been your first one and how did you place?
My first competition was in July 1996 - just 4-5 months after I had started training. It was the IFBB Brisbane titles and I places 2nd.


And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet?
That is a really hard one to pick. I would have to say they are all major successes. I think the NABBA 2000 was a turning point in my career. My first really big comp and placing first gave me a place in the Australian team to compete at my first world titles. My last show - NABBA 2004 worlds would have to be the one I have made the most improvements for - so it too is memorable.


Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far?
2005 NABBA Southern Hemisphere Championships - 2nd

2004 NABBA World C/ships - 2nd
2004 NABBA Southern Hemisphere C/ships - 1st
2004 NABBA Queensland C/ships - 1st
2002 NABBA World C/ships - 4th
2002 NABBA Southern Hemishere C/ships
2002 NABBA Queensland C/ships - 1st
2001 NABBA World C/ships - 3rd
2001 NABBA Australian C/ships - 1st
2000 NABBA World C/ships - 3rd
2000 NABBA Australian C/ships - 1st
2000 NABBA Queensland C/ships - 1st
1999 IFBB Australasian C/ships - 1st
1999 IFBB Gold Coast C/ships - overall champion
1999 IFBB Gold Coast C/ships - 1st Heavyweight
1997 IFBB Queensland C/ships - 4th
1996 IFBB Queensland C/ships - 3rd
1996 IFBB Sunshine Coast C/ships - 2nd
1996 IFBB Brisbane C/ships - 2nd


Please describe a typical day in the life of Jo Rogers.
I get up at 4am most mornings - I find it hard but I have to open the gym and would rather plod my way through the early morning than be in a rush. I work at my gym till midday weekdays and then train between 12 - 1pm. I may have some personal training clients after this but generally then head home and do any sewing etc that has been ordered. The weekends vary depending on what time of year it is. If it is lead up to competition then most of my weekends are taken up doing choreography with clients for their routines, editing music or sewing sequins onto costumes. My evenings are usually taken up doing the same thing. Somewhere in there I do manage to find time to answer emails, spend some time with my daughter and best friend but don't get enough time to read as I would like.


Please tell me something about your daily training routine.
I have had the same training partner now for over 6 years and I will endevour to keep him for another 6! We are currently training 4 days a week. The break up at this point in time is -

Monday - legs (quads and hamstrings)
Tuesday - shoulders and calves
wednesdat - back and biceps
thursday - chest and triceps


How often do you train in a week?
answered that one in last question - 4 days a week for about an hour each session.


What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in off-season?
I don't change my training at all during lead up to competition - if anything I tend to get stronger with my diet so I just go with the flow, training as hard and as heavy as my body allows me.


If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
I can leg press over 500kg (1100lbs) and bicep curl 30kg dumbells (66lbs)
my best set of squats was 195kg (429lbs) for 6 reps
a lot of my exercises are done with machines so it is very hard to compare weights as each machine is different.
Biceps - 40cm (15.75in)
Chest (no implants) - 113cm (44.5in)
Quads - 62cm (24.5in)
Calves - 43cm (17in)


measurements taken just after comp - no bodyfat


Which bodypart is your best in your opinion?
The guys at the gym are jealous of my calves but I think most people would agree that I am renowned for my legs - both for size, separations and condition.


What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
I love training legs, probably got something to do with the amount of weight I get to lift. I don't really have a favourite exercise as such and in the same respect dont really have ones that I hate. I do find that arms hurt the most though...


Judging in Women’s Bodybuilding has always been criticised in one or the other way. But please tell me your honest thoughts about today’s judging in Women’s Bodybuilding.
How do we define feminine muscle and where do you draw the line as to what is too masculine? This is a question that todays judges need to sit down and discuss. Do they want us to be "men in bikinis" or do they actually want something that is feminine as well as muscular??


Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don’t work out (profession, hobbies, etc.)
I have a 12 year old daughter that I do need to spend time with and I also enjoy going out to dinner with my long suffering best friend (who is responsible for all my tanning etc at comp time). I love reading fantasy novels - if only I could read more than half a page before falling asleep of an evening. My house is full of fairies, dragons and unicorns and I am always on the lookout for new additions to my collection.


What are your future plans for 2004/2005?
I am currently planning preparations for the 2004 NABBA Universe to be held in October. I was very happy with my condition for the World titles last month but would like very much to make some improvements on both my physique and condition. I have no plans for retirement as I feel like I have just started to achieve the sort of body I have been striving for and I am looking forward to seeing just how far I can go.


I would also like to see my business grow as there are an aweful lot of opportunities out there for someone that has the background and experience that I do. I want to give something back to the sport that I have loved from the moment I started.


Please note:

Jo does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




JO's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 1-8 are courtesy of GMV Productions



Video clip:


Video clip (51.5 MB)

© Video clip is from Jo's new video, courtesy of GMV Productions



Please also check out Jo's own website at:



Jo can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Jo



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