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Welcome to the Page of the very muscular & attractive Romanian Bodybuilding and Powerlifting Champion ELENA OANA HREAPCA!

(all pictures are used by Elena's personal permission)



Some Info about ELENA:


Where and when were you born? I was born in Roman, Romania, on July 4,1982

What is your profession? I graduated in Sports Faculty 2004, from University “Al.I.Cuza”, from Iasi Trainers School in Bucharest, in weightlifting 2004 and in February 2006, I graduated with master in “Management and marketing in sport” and now in June I graduate second faculty, in Kinetotheraphy. I am a sport teacher at hight school in Iasi, and together with my husband, train sportivs who are yet juniors champions of Romania.

Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to bodybuilding and how did you get started with weight training? Since I was little I liked to practice hard sports, so I started at 13 years with throwers (javelin, hammer, shot-put) in athletics (was champion in hammer and javelin throw), than I started weightlifting, and I was champion and second many times in my country. When I was practicing weightlifting I started to experiment a little with bodybuilding, and in a short time my body started to change and I liked what I saw, so for 3 years I competed at weightlifting and bodybuilding too, but I couldn't be very good in both, so in 2004 I decided to seriously practice bodybuilding.

Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body? As I say, when I saw the changes that were taking place with my body, I said to myself: lets try bodybuilding, and see what happens. I wanted to perform better each time I entered a contest.

Can you give me your competition history?
2001-national champion juniors
2002-2003 –second place national championship
2004-third place nationals seniors
2005-second place seniors place
2006-I placed “Trofeul Hercule” - international contest - June
2006 –I placed -National Championship-heavy weight+57 kg
-I placed –National Championship –overall
-I Placed –National Championship –couples
-I placed –National Championship –powerlifting-440 kg
-I placed –National Championship –Weightlifing
2007 –I placed at shot put at Cupa Bistrita,in atletics
-I placed at weightlifting Cupa Romaniei-190 Kg

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?
I think last contest, because I beat last year’s national champion, and from women from other countries.

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.) I train my body 6 times per week, starting with: 1-shoulders-, 2-arms –, 3-quadriceps and calves, 4-chest, 5-back, 6 –femural biceps.
Cardio I do 3 times per week in off season-like 20 min, and 6 times per week in season, 30 min.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
Squats, where I work until 185 kg / 407 lbs. Exercise for calves I don’t like too much

Which body part is your best in your opinion?
Shoulders and back in my opinion.

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
Height = 170 cm / 5 ft 7 inches
Weight = 76-77 kg / 170 lbs now, contest shape 65-67 kg / 143-148 lbs;
Bicep = 39 cm / 15inches contest, 41 cm / 16 inches off season
Waist = 70 cm / 28 inches
Legs = 64 cm / 25.5 inches off season
Calves = 44 cm / 17.25 inches
Best lifts =185 kg / 407 lbs squat, 130kg / 286lbs bench press, 190 kg / 419 lbs dead lift, bicep curl 65 kg / 143.5 lbs, shoulder press 85 kg / 187lbs

What do you enjoy about training for competition.... what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?
I like routine posing for contest, and in off-season I like to lift heavy weights.

Please describe a typical day in the life of Hreapca Elena Oana.
In school year period I wake up at 6 a clock, from 8 -12 I am teacher at school, from 13 to 17 I was studying at faculty, from 19:30 to 21 I train myself. Now I am happy, I am almost in vacation and I work harder at training and doing a lot of stuff in my home.

Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out (hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.)
I like to travel, sing, walking, go out with friends, go to parties, listen to music, reading, etc.

What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
I like the changes to my body and the way I look. I like to have a muscular, ripped body and through bodybuilding, I learned to have a healthy diet, I have learned a lot about my body, nutrition and medicine. Better says: “TO KNOW OUR OWN BODY”.

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
I am a very ambitious girl. I started my life not so happy, because both my parents died when I was young, I lived first 2 years in a placement center for children, then I was adopted by a family, who cared for me until I was student in first year. From second year student I had to be on my own two feet. I was lonely and the one who helped me very much then was my actual husband and trainer too.

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
I want this year to be finalist at Europeans and who knows, World's too. I would like to be a model for a known magazine, and earn my professional card in my career, bodybuilding.

Please note:
Hreapca does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




ELENA's Photo Gallery:


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© Photo 5 is courtesy of Robby Brand




Video clips:


Video clip (10.6 MB)  Video clip (26.4 MB)

© Video clip on the left is courtesy of Awefilms

© Video clip on the right is courtesy of Elena



Please check out Elena's own website at:




Hreapca can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Hreapca Elena



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