Welcome to the Profile Page of the very muscular and great looking Bodybuilder YVONNE VAN DER HORST from the Netherlands!
(all pictures are used by Yvonne's personal permission)
Some Info about YVONNE:
Name: Yvonne van der horst
Date of birth: August 30th 1977
Place of birth: Tilburg
Profession: Health and fitness coordinator
Years of bodybuilding: I started in 2000 with the goal to gain weight. But the most interesting is creating the best symmetrical and feminine physique what I like.
Work out: Right i am having my trainingsbody in Tilburg.
Other sports: In my teenage years I competed in gymnastics at national level.
Best muscles: Hams, Quadrizeps, Gluteus Maximus, Shoulde and back width
Working on:
Winning lean mass
Goal 2011: -getting selected for the amateur arnold classic 2011 goal 2011/2012 getting in the top 3 at the Arnold Classics of spain 7/8 october getting in the top 6 at the Arnold Classics of Usa march
Favorite junkfood: -apple pie From my mother -sandwich peanutbutter and chocolate -wine
Hobby: – in my spare time walking with my sweet dog
Favorite book: I don't have the time to read
Religion: I believe in God but you dont have to go church to believe
My biggest bodybuilding favorite: Pro Roelly Winklaar, Juliette Bergman