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Welcome to the Profile Page of the very attractive and beautifully muscled NPC Figure Competitor KATE STEWART!

(all pictures are used by Kate's permission)



Some Info about KATE:


Where and when were you born?
A LONG time ago! LOL November 1, 1966 Fort Wayne, Indiana

What is your profession?
President and Owner KMS Fitness Inc. and Fisico Moda Established this year and I love every minute of my job. I write training programs and nutritional programs for both online clients and local clients and Fisico Moda is my store for the best in physique fashion. I have everything from cute and sexy Brazilian lines to full figure plus lines. Something for EVERYONE!
My normal day profession for the past 20 years is as a Sales Coordinator for a privately owned company. I take care of the day to day operation of supply sales for the territory of Indiana. They joke and say that I use to ride my tricycle to work when I started. LOL

Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to figure and how did you get started with weight training?
I was active in my younger years. Played basketball, boys baseball (which at that time was a no no) volleyball, track, gymnastics and cheerleading. Due to many circumstances after high school that stopped completely. I started improving upon my life again around 2000 and started seriously lifting weights (which I had NOT done) in 2004. I competed for the first time at the age of 39 in 2006.

Was it a goal for you to compete in figure competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
No, not at all. I had hired my trainer/nutritionist to help me shed that pesky 10 lbs that I just could not lose. It just so happened that he was also the one and only Kim Oddo, so obviously I was being trained by someone with major experience with figure competitors. I had decided to try a competition when I reached my goal and needed a new goal to take it to the next level. I have been hooked ever since. There will never be a feeling like the first competition feeling EVER.

Can you give me your competition history?
2006 - World Gym Classic and BodyRock
2007 - Arnold Amateur, Emerald Cup, Jr USA, Indianapolis Championships and Masters Nationals
2008 - I am only doing one show this year as a result of a minor surgery in August of last year to repair what they thought was a hernia. It turned into major surgery as my entire abdominal wall was about to completely give out. I had tears everywhere. (This is due, I am told to birth though and the weights only moved it along quicker) It turns out that had I not gotten in for surgery when I did that I was very close to an emergency trip to the hospital. So it’s done and it’s over. I want to do a competition around October just to see how well I have done in training myself in the offseason. See where I stand and then hit the National stages again in 2009.

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?
The first thing I want to say is that with each competition that I have be in personally or have helped at that competition…the promoters have just been outstanding. The work that they go thru to put on these shows is tremendous. I don’t think I realized just how significant it was until I started helping. So kudos to them.
As I previously mentioned, the first one can never be replaced but honestly each competition has been a great success for me. I have learned something about myself with each passing show. I only compete against myself each time and when I lose that thought then it’s time for me to quit as it isn’t what I got into this sport for in the first place. My goal with each show is to come in the best I can for me…hopefully it’s with a better physique each time but if not it sure as heck better be the best me I can be for that show…knowing I have given it my all to get there.
The Arnold Amateur was a good example of competing for myself. In the three weeks leading up to that competition…I had three surgeries due to an infection I got in my sinuses that they couldn’t get under control…even one week out from show my face and body were swollen and I was holding a ton of water from the meds. Just when all of that started to come together I had two people close to me take their lives which added stress. At 3 days before leaving for Columbus, I was hit by two vehicles one in front and one in back leaving only my seat remaining. I was lucky to even be alive. So the Arnold was amazing for me. Plus…it all came together and even my trainer said what the heck happened to you from 3 days ago. YEAH!!! ( He had to take pictures) LOL

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.)
During the offseason I train 4 days a week maybe 5 and heavy heavy heavy! I’m getting pretty strong if I do say so myself. I keep cardio to a really low minimum but still keep a little.
Currently I am training for October a different way then I have to really shake things up. Lot’s of Giant sets etc, higher reps, lower weight and little rest. Kicks my booty every time. I am also doing a combination of different workouts for cardio 7 days a week, some in the am some in the pm and lot’s of plyo’s. I feel really good about this training program.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
I love to train my back and my shoulders. My back because I think it’s the best body part I have and my shoulders because it feels good and they need all the help they can get.
I don’t like to train my legs…even though they need it! The reason is very simple…I vomit practically each time that I do them. LOL

Which body part is your best in your opinion?
Probably my back…when I can pose it correctly and I am also genetically gifted in the ab department. I don’t have to work them much at all….it’s all about the diet on the abs.

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
On the leg press, I do 650 lbs and could do more but it’s just not necessary. I’m a figure girl after all.
Recent lift on flat bench was 165lbs which I am elated about that one.
I have been told that an incline for most people is about 30% less in weight then the flat bench but my incline for reps is over 145.

My waist at contest is about a 25.5 inch waist, arms 13, hips 34, bust stays about a 36, lets measure at about 21.5. I am still finding my contest weight. We really don’t go by that so much as we do the LOOK that we are after.

What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?
I love the focus and goals that are involved in competing. It helps to really keep me in check and really drives me. I also absolutely love the people I have met in this journey. So many great athletes, mentors, industry people etc. Plus it has really given me the drive to always want to help or be involved in the sport in some way. I am now judging for one federation, helping back stage at competitions and holding training classes for new competitors.

Please describe a typical day in the life of Kathryn Stewart.
Seriously Andy, you don’t want to know this. LOL This is just a condensed list. I am always told by so many people to slow down and stop taking on so much. I don’t know how to do this. It gives me such motivation. Plus I always wanted to be Super Woman!
4am at the gym for cardio
6am meal one and getting the guys out the door for work and school, answering business emails for my business and packaging up products to ship out that day.
7:20 at work (my day job)
I eat at my desk so that my lunch hour can be spent on my own computer with my own business.
5:45 back at the gym for weights and more cardio if needed
7:30 dinner on the grill, homework for my son, answering emails, packaging product or adding products to the store, making business phone calls, writing diet and training programs.
9:30 BEDTIME in my house or bath and bed by 10:00. 3:30 am comes very fast.

Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out ( hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.)
Pretty much all aspects of our lives involve working out and staying active. But I love to devote as much time as I can when I don’t have to be in the gym to my family. My guys are my biggest supporters and I want to be there for them. We like to shop together, run errands, even work on the store together.
I also enjoy reading self help books, spending time with my friends and volunteering as much time as I can to my community.
I won’t lie though, sometimes on Sundays when the big guy goes golfing for hours upon end and the little guy is at his fathers house…I LIKE TO DO NOTHING AT ALL!! That is what I call real ME time.

What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
I FEEL GREAT!!!! Even when tired from a competition prep…I FEEL GREAT! My mind, body, spirit…all of it is on a high. It was a really hard journey as some already know but I DID IT!!

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
I weighed nearly 200lbs before embarking on this lifestyle.

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
For competition it’s always about being the best me and improving myself on the inside and the outside with each one. I would also like to go back to Masters Nationals in 2009 because I became very ill at that competition and I just need to do this for me. Get up there without vomiting. LOL

Personal goals…always being there for others, supporting, encouraging and being a friend. Staying positive and helping them realize they can reach their goals too.
Raising a happy and healthy son and helping him become an amazing young man. (He is 14) Last but certainly not least…as I always have goals…. To do something good or nice for someone each day…do something I can be proud of each day!

Contact e-mail address: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: my personal website, my business website, and finally my board for support with clients, competitors, friends….anyone.

Please note:

Kate does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




KATE's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 1-3 are courtesy of Dan Ray

© Photos 4-5 are courtesy of George Legeros



Please also check out Kate's own website at:



Kate can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


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