Where and when have you been born? I was born in Rostock in 1976 Where do you live now? Frankfurt am Main What is your profession? Employee in a meeting company What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights? Very early my parents noticed, and were concerned that I do to much sports. After high diving and swimming was not as successful as I hoped it would be I changed to handball. I loved it right from the beginning I was passionately fond of this sport for 17 years How and when did you get involved into lifting weights? Looking for the right sport I went to different institutes and in April 1999 I dropped into a fitness studio and I loved it from the beginning Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body? I needed could and so grew a goal, to which I there working to participate the idea in a contest. Which competition has been your first one and how did you place? My first contest was the North German Championship in 2000 were I achieved 2nd place. And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet? German Championchip 2002 - 1. Place, Winner of the figure Class Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far? W.A.B.B.A. World Championchip Tenerife 2002 - 7. Place German Championchip 2002 - 1. Place, Winner of the figure Class Westgerman Championchip 2002 - 1. Place Hessencup 2002 - 3. Place Miss California Kassel 2001 - 5. Place German championship 2001 - 4. Place Hessencup 2001 - 1. Place Large price of Northern Germany 2000 - 2. Place How often do you train in a week? I arrange my training over the complete year with heavy sentences. Into the Offseason I go then to reconciliation also times at fresh air jog or in the sea swim. At the same time I try to get as much as possible peace and attach very much importance on healthy and balanced nutrition, because I would like to some extent to remain in form also during the Offseason. I would not like to set up an exact plan here, since we change the exercises in itself repeatedly. Also I change the training days and train groups of muscles after a certain period times. We arrange an exercise with approximately 3 sentences, warming up run naturally specially. It is trained always up to the maximum, I attaches thereby very much importance to a clean and slow execution, because those is many more effective. Which bodypart is your best in your opinion? Love my back Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don't work out (profession, hobbies, etc.) extended sun baths go out with friends dining at my favourite Spanish restaurant "The Barrel" What are your future plans for 2003/2004? Autum 2003 German Championchip 22nd of November in Rheine/Germany Mr & Mrs. Universum 29th of November in Cuxhaven/Germany Here you have to book the possibility Anita Heß for following achievements! representation!! -Film roll - figure training - professional video reception - music video - tv entrances - interview - TV - conversation round - advertising - product - presentation - Model - body part - Model Please note: Anita is not available for private sessions, as well as each type of pornographic |