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Welcome to the Page of the very attractive and beautifully muscled Chilean Fitness Competitor and former Bodybuilder MARCELA BERNAU!

(all pictures are used by Marcela's)



Some Info about MARCELA:


Where and when were you born?
I was born the 24 of September of 1971 in Santiago, Chile ( southamerica ) I’m 35 years old.

What is your profession?
I’m a nutritionist, personal trainer, the image of a sport products line in Chile, but I work in a office as well.

Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to bodybuilding and how did you get started with weight training?
I was involve in sport since 5 years old, first gymnastic, then bodybuilding and fitness. When I leave the gymnastics, I went to a gym where there were more competitors and I liked, so started the weight training very hard from the beginning. That was when I had 17 years old. Then I travel to Spain and lived there for 9 years competing in bodybuilding, fitness, power lifting and arm wrestling. When I got back to Chile I competed 2 years in weightlifting and then fitness and aerobics.

Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
I started surrounded by competitors so it was my goal since the very first moment.

Can you give me your competition history?
1 place in national competition 1987
1 place in “Aconcagua” competition 1988
2 place in “campeonato de Asturias” Spain 1989

2 place in “campeonato miss costa dorada” Spain 1994
Participation in “Universal fitness pageant” Miami 2002
1 place “night of the champions” Guatemala 2004
3 place “Lobarede Classic competition” Chile 2005
1 place “Saturn competition” Argentina 2005

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?
In Argentina in the 2005 was very special because people from the public gave me a lot of support and in Miami the 2002 the all experience was amazing because we were there for 5 days, were 60 woman sharing a lot, and they didn’t treat me like a foreign, I was just another girl more.

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.)
Because I have a very muscular anatomy I do more aerobics than weights training, but anyway I exercise every muscle with light weights at least once a week.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
My favorite is the bench press with a lot of reps and I don´t like to training my back (any exercise) very much.

Which body part is your best in your opinion?
My abs, absolutely.

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
Shoulders: 106 cm
Chest: 97 cm
Arm: 32 cm
Waist: 77 cm
Legs: 56 cm

What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?
Training for competition needs lot of motivation, you know that the clock is ticking and every day that you rest, the other girls must be training. In the off season the best is don’t have to be so strict with diet (I love cakes), but I stay in shape most of the year. You can always see my abs.

Please describe a typical day in the life of Marcela Bernau
Morning from 8.30 am until 4.00 pm I work in an office. It’s a government real state office, where I do a lot of legal stuff. Then I go home to work on my web page or other things until 8.00 pm and from 8.00 above I’m training in the gym with my boyfriend. He was not involved in the gym before we meet, and he was not much athletic at all, but I’m training him now.
Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out (hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.)
Well I love to ride in bicycle with my boyfriend; I love photography as well, travel and practice some other sports.

What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
To have a lot of energy, to be fit almost the all year, to enjoy my body at the age of 35 years old, and look better than most of the girls (that’s from my boyfriend) and thru this sport to be able to show to other woman that be fit is possible.

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
A lot of people ask me how hard I do train my abs, and they are very surprised to hear that I haven’t made any abdominal exercise since… ummm, maybe 5 year. They just stayed there in good shape (lucky me). Now I’m training them again with my boyfriend.

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
About competition I’m going to compete in fitness at Argentina in November. I always wanted to place finalist in a world fitness competition. In the personal I’m considering study again and became a lawyer.


Please note:

Marcela does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




MARCELA's Photo Gallery:


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