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Welcome to the Profile Page of the great looking and very strong and attractive Powerlifter and Natural Bodybuilder MARJI FIELDS!

(all pictures are used by Marji's personal permission)



Some Info about MARJI:


I was a former National Level gymnast. I've always been a big girl and I've always been strong so gymnastics was a natural sport for me. After gymnastics, I started working out with weights and over the years I've gotten much bigger and stronger. I've been training with my husband for the last 15 years and my goal is to compete in The World's Strongest Women contest in 2005. I want to try to break the American Woman's Bench Press record and possibly the World Record. Currently I am bench pressing 365 lbs for 8 reps. I am squatting 405 lbs for 10 reps. I currently weigh between 165 and 170 at 5'6". I want to emphasize that I am and always have been completely drug free. My strength is a gift of genetics. My grandfather played professional football for the Pittsburgh Steelers and my grandmother was a professional sprinter.


Currently, I'm working and personal training. I'm expanding my personal training and that is also the purpose of my website. I will have training advice, nutrional strategies, and pictures and videos on my site when it's done.


As far as personal info, I'm 41 years old. I'm married and have 3 kids. We live near San Francisco, CA. I'm athletic and competitive in everything I do. I'm always up for a challenge. A few years ago I was offered a chance to get involved in the WWF (now the WWE) but I turned that down due to the drug usage. I adamantly refuse to use drugs and I couldn't be involved with them. I can be reached at [email protected].


Please note:

Marji does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




MARJI's Photo Gallery:


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Video clips:


Video clip (5.6 MB)  Video clip (6.1 MB)



Marji can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Marji



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