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Welcome to the Page of the extremely attractive and very muscular Swedish IFBB Professional Bodybuilder KLAUDIA LARSON!

(all pictures are used by Klaudia's personal permission)



Some Info about KLAUDIA:


I was born in a small town in Sweden north from Stockholm called Falun.
Over the years I have moved around a bit but now I´m back in my hometown again.


Back in school I never liked any of the sports/gymnastic activities that where included there. But I have always found muscles attractive in both men and women. For a long time I wanted to go to a gym but I was to afraid to set my foot there.. Finally a good friend of mine took me along to the gym and showed me around , taught me some exercises and from that day I was hooked! I had found my passion in life!


At first I had no intentions to compete. But after a couple of years of hard work at the gym people started asking me if I wasn´t going to compete. I just thought they where crazy! Compete! Me!? No way!!


But I got the same question over and over and finally this idea that I would actually give it a try started spinning in my head..
1997 I attended my first competition:
Luciapokalen in Gothenburg. I won!
And because of that I really didn´t have much choice than to continue competing..


I took a year off and came back 1999. That was a very intense year for me. 6 competitions in one year!

2nd place in qualifying to European Championship.
1st place and Overall. Nordic (Scandinavian) Championship, Lahti, Finland.
1st place Prague Cup, Check Republic.
8th place World Women Championship (amateur). Sydney, Australia.
2nd place Swedish Nationals. Stockholm.
3rd place Oppava Grand Prix. Check Republic.


2001 I won the Swedish Nationals!
2002 I placed 3rd at the Swedish Nationals.
2004 I won the Nutrition Outlet Grand Prix, April 24th, in Västerĺs, Sweden (got my pro card)

2005 Europa Supershow - 6th place Lightweights


My interests besides bodybuilding and training are:
Cars! Beautiful sportscars and lots of horsepower! I really like to drive and the feeling of being on the road. My own car is a Ford Probe.


Travel. I totally adore the summer and the sun!! Sweden can be really great in the summer, but unfortunately this season is way to short here!! I don´t like the winter when it´s dark, cold and snowy! Therefor I´m so happy whenever I get the chance to go to a country where it´s sunny and warm!


Animals. In a lot of ways I love animals better than people..
Music. Love to dance when I´m in the right mood for it and to play the stereo on a high volume when I´m driving my car!!


Food. Unfortunately, sometimes, I´m too fond of eating! Especially icecream, buns and candy… Of course I also very much enjoy a good meal with a glass of white wine.


Take good care of each other and yourselves out there! 
Lots of love,
Klaudia Larson


My very special thanks to: Andrulla Blanchette, Lance Gille and Cia Soderlund, for all their help and support!!


If you want to read more about me and see more pics, you are most welcome to visit my website:


Latest News:

Klaudia has just launched her brand new Members Lounge! Be the first to check it out! It is definitely worth it:


The second news is that I have started doing webcam, both at Herbicepscam and at !
People can see me and chat with me for free, or chose to pay to see me pose live!! If anyone wants to see me online a specific day or time, they can send me an email and let me know, and maybe I can arrange this for them.


Please note:

Klaudia does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




KLAUDIA's Photo Gallery:


click on image to enlarge  click on image to enlarge  click on image to enlarge  click on image to enlarge

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click on image to enlarge  click on image to enlarge  click on image to enlarge  click on image to enlarge


© Photos 1-4 are courtesy of Len B.

© Photos 5-7 are courtesy of Mike Eckstut

© Photos 8-9 are courtesy of HDPhysiques

© Photos 10-12 are courtesy of Gene X Hwang



Video Clips:


Video clip - Way to the Atlantic City Pro Show (40.0 MB)  Video clip (7.6 MB)

© Video clip on the left is courtesy of Klaudia Larson. The full length video can be purchased on Klaudia's website:

© Video clip on the right is courtesy of Tre' Scott



If you want to know more about Klaudia please also visit her own websites at:




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