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Welcome to the Profile Page of the very attractive & muscular National Level Bodybuilder LAURIE SMITH!

(all pictures are used by Laurie's permission)



Some Info about LAURIE:


Where and when were you born?
I was born at Dwyer Hospital (now Milwaukie Providence) in Milwaukie, Oregon on June 23, 1978.

What is your profession?
I’m the Program Marketing Director at ClubSport Oregon in Tigard. My position is on the Executive Management Team, and I oversee all internal marketing and most ancillary profit centers. I’ve been with ClubSport for almost nine years and originally started as a Personal Trainer but after a couple years found my motivation and strength in management.

Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to bodybuilding and how did you get started with weight training?
I’ve played soccer for 25 years, and it’s my first love and passion. I played Division 1 two years each at the University of Hartford and University of Oregon. Since high school, weight training was always a part of my soccer training, and it’s importance intensified as I played at higher levels.

Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
My husband is the one who encouraged me to compete in my first show.
We were at the Oregon Ironman in May 2007 watching a friend, Mendi Sakamoto (now a Figure Pro), compete in her first show, and Chad said, “You should do a bodybuilding show.” While watching, I thought, “Sure, I could do this… This soccer body can transform into a bodybuilder’s body.“

Can you give me your competition history?
2007 Seaven Feather’s Classic Bodybuilding, Women’s Fitness & Figure Championships
Overall Champion Novice Women
2007 Northwest Bodybuilding, Women’s Fitness & Figure Championships
Open Women’s Middleweight – 2nd Place
2008 Oregon State Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships
Open Women’s Middleweight – 1st Place & Overall Champion
2008 Team Universe Bodybuilding & Figure National Fitness Championships
Women’s Middleweight – 7th Place
2009 Emerald Cup
Women’s Open Middleweight & Overall Champion

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?
My overall win at the 2009 Emerald Cup was my biggest contest success to date and also had the most meaning to me. I dieted and trained harder and smarter than my previous contests; so, it was extremely gratifying and rewarding.

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.)
I start dieting and training for a contest 18 weeks out from the show. I start at 45 minutes cardio a day and gradually work up to as much as an hour and 45 minutes of cardio a day depending on how my physique is progressing. Once I get to more than an hour of cardio, I split it into two sessions. My cardio sources are bike, any sort of stepper, incline walking, and I jog once per week for 30 minutes. I don’t like to do too much impact-cardio because my legs tend to get damaged and fatigued quite easily. I do cardio seven days a week at my scheduled amount of time with the exception of leg day. I only do 30 minutes on the days I lift legs. I lift five days a week usually in the order of chest, back, legs, arms, and shoulders and hit abs and calves every other day for higher repetitions. In the off-season, my approach to lifting is similar, but my cardio usually stays at or below 45 minutes, and I let myself play soccer, run, take group fitness classes, or whatever interests me at the time.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
My favorite body part to work is shoulders. I love the burning sensation I get from any sort of lateral raise movement. I need to get wider shoulders for a better taper into my midsection; so, I’ll be doing gobs of lateral shoulder movements for the remainder of my bodybuilding career! That works for me!! Legs are easily my least favorite body part to train. I loathe leg day so much that I get ill to my stomach just in simple anticipation of the burn and intensity of the routine.

Which body part is your best in your opinion?
My best body part is easily my back. I have a detailed and wicked rear double bicep. It’s busy and thick and always steps ahead of the rest of my physique.

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
I’m just shy of 5’4”, and my current weight is about 131 lbs. five weeks out to contest. I’ll probably weigh-in just under the 125 lb. cut-off for the middleweight class at Jr. Nationals. During the off-season, I try to keep within 15-20 lbs. of my contest weight.

What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?
My favorite thing when training for a competition is my group posing practice sessions. I work with the best physique coach around, Andre “Bam Bam” Scott. I strangely look forward to the grueling 90-minute posing conditioning he puts me through every Saturday morning. He knows how to push me to the edge, my breaking point, and then pull me back in and make me feel like a million dollars and total rock star. He’s amazing! I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE splurge meals when I get them… Ahhh, yum! In the off season, I enjoy the ability to go on business trips without my cooler!!

Please describe a typical day in the life of Laurie Smith.
I typically wake-up around 5:30am to clean up the house a bit, eat breakfast while reading my Bible devotions and checking email, and then hit the bike for my morning cardio session (all before my daughter wakes-up). Once I get through 45 minutes to an hour on the bike, I quickly get Jordyn and myself ready to take off for the day. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Jordyn goes to the Club with me and spends her time in our magnificent childcare facility, KidsWorld. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I drop her off at preschool. My usual workday is 9:00am-7:00pm, which allows for a two-hour break to get my lift and second cardio session in for the day. Once I get home, it’s dinner with the family, showers, a little TV to relax the body and mind, and then after Jordyn goes down for the night, I do 10-20 minutes of posing most nights (four to six weeks out). I like to hit the pillow around 11:30pm. If I can get six hours sleep, I’m doing well!

Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out ( hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.)
I still enjoy playing as much indoor and outdoor soccer as I can in the off season. Otherwise, my interests outside of bodybuilding lie solely in time spent with my family and friends, particularly with my daughter and husband.

What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
I’m “Type A,” and my husband even goes so far to say I’m a bit OCD about certain things (jokingly, of course); so, the rigidity and structure of the diet and training truly suits my personality.

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
People may be surprised to hear that I was my high school Prom Queen and Valedictorian. You can be popular and a smarty britches!

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
I simply want to continue to compete and do well at the highest level. My hope is to be a positive role model for women through my involvement in the sport, including healthy body image and commitment to nutritious food choices and physical activity. ’m competing at Jr. Nationals in June in Rosemont, IL and USAs in July in Las Vegas, NV. As far as personal future goals are concerned, I certainly want to be a Mommy to two little ones some day not far off.


Please note:

Laurie does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




LAURIE's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos are courtesy of David Aboody



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