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Welcome to the Profile Page of the very attractive and muscular NATASHA AZEVEDO from South Africa!

(all pictures are used by Natasha's permission)



Some Info about NATASHA:


Born on 26 June 1981, I started training in 2006. I used to work on cruise ships, and traveled extensively before coming back to South Africa, where I now reside in Johannesburg. When I started training I weighed around 45kg at 5ft 1in, although I wasn't overweight, I wasn't particularly muscular, but with hard heavy training I got my weight up to around 57kg, and much leaner than I was at 45kg. I have a best bench press of 110kg for 3 reps (to my chest)
I am a full time trainer at the Unique Physique Personal Training Studio

I train 5 times a week, and my split is :
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Arms
Thursday: legs & Calves
Friday: Shoulders
Saturday and Sunday: off
No Cardio

I eat 6 meals a day, mostly food, occasionally a protein shake as a substitute for a meal.




NATASHA's Photo Gallery:


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Natasha is a personal trainer You can find her here:



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