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Welcome to the Page of Australia's strongest Woman, the incredible beautiful, strong and muscular Bodybuilder & Powerlifter SHARON WATERS!

(all pictures are used by Sharon's personal permission)



Some Info about SHARON:


Australia’s Strongest Woman
Miss Australasia
Australian Powerlifting Champion


Miss Australasia March 2003 IFBB Bodybuilding
Australia’s Strongest Woman 2001 - present 
Worlds Strongest Woman Competition October 2001 - 7th place
Australian Powerlifting Champion 1998 – present


Where and when have you been born? Bury, UK, 1970 which makes me 34 at present


Where do you live now? Up in the hills about 50 minutes out of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


What is your profession? Where do I start, at present I have a personal training business called UFO Ultimate Fitness Opportunity with 10 trainers, I am a lifestyle coach, specialise in nutrition and lifestyle programs. I design and make costumes for competition and photo shoots. I also provide competition preparation from the training, posing classes and choreography to hair, make-up and tan.


What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights? Nothing much really.


How and when did you get involved into lifting weights? I started at the gym in my early 20’s, I first tried the aerobic thing, then did my course to become an aerobic instructor, I had chronic asthma and thought that might help, it was fun for a while however I really liked muscles and wasn’t getting much of those bouncing around the aerobic room, so I then started a program in the gym. I used to go as far as I could along the dumbbell rack to see the heaviest weight I could bicep curl. I just couldn’t stick to that program!


Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body? I never thought that I would be able to compete in a bodybuilding show, I truly thought it was only for special people. I can remember even at school I had an interest in women with muscle all my girlfriends would be reading Dolly magazine looking at sexy boys and I was hiding in the corner flicking through Ironman or Musclemag. I always dreamt of being up onstage with the best in the world. To answer your question I always wanted to compete, never thought I would, until a man called Barry Murry stopped me in the gym one day and said “ Gee, your pretty strong for a chic” and after a little convincing I was on my way to my very first competition.


Which competition has been your first one and how did you place? My first ever competition was in 1998 it was a benchpress competion and guess what? I won!


And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet? They have all been fantastic, I would have to say my favourite was the 2003 Australian Grand Prix/Southern states, my very first body building show. I just couldn’t wait to get on stage.


Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far?
Oct 98 CAPO Bench press Challenge 1st place
May 99 CAPO Victorian Championships 1st place
Aug 00 CAPO Australian Championships 2nd place
Oct 00 CAPO Bench press Challenge 1st place
Nov 00 CAPO Deadlift Challenge 2nd place
Jun 01 CAPO Victorian Championships 1st place
Oct 01 CAPO Bench press Challenge 1st place
Oct 01 Worlds Strongest Woman 7th place
Mar 02 CAPO Bench press Challenge 1st place
Mar 03 IFBB Southern States 1st place
Mar 03 IFBB Australasian 1st place


Powerlifting Records
1998 Oct Bench press 87.5 kg
1999 May Bench press 100 kg
2000 Aug Bench press 100 kg
2000 Aug Deadlift 165 kg 
2000 Aug Squat 125 kg
2000 Aug Total 392.5 kg
2000 Nov Deadlift 170 kg
2000 Oct Bench press 102.5 kg
2001 Aug Bench press 135 kg
2001 Oct Bench press 140 kg 
2002 Mar Bench press 140 kg


Please describe a typical day in the life of Sharon Waters. There is no such thing as typical in my day as much as I wish there was sometimes. However it normally starts at approximately 6am, really it could consist of anything from training clients to photo shoots, to sewing sequins on teeny weeny bikinis, training and eating I would get home anywhere between 6 and 10pm.


Please tell me something about your daily training routine. Pull a couple of trucks , flip a few tyres, lift some logs, you know the regular stuff.


How often do you train in a week? 5 sessions


What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in off-season? It really depends on what kind of comp I am competing in, if it’s bodybuilding then the biggest difference is food and about 20 kg of body fat. Strong Woman comps are the other way around, lots of food and I stay quite heavy. I’ve had a year off and would really like to concentrate on the body building for a while.


If you don't mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)? I’ll get back to you with the measurements. Best lifts well I can tell you about the non official ones.
Over 1000lb leg press
155kg bench
200 deadlift
300lb cable row


Which bodypart is your best in your opinion? My eyes because they allow me to see what I look like.


What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don't like so much (if there is any)?I guess bench would have to be by favourite and squat my least favourite because they hurt at the moment.


Judging in Women's Bodybuilding has always been criticised in one or the other way. But please tell me your honest thoughts about today's judging in Women's Bodybuilding. I love the sport and as we know there is always room for improvement even in the judging. As long as you do your best and your happy with your progress that’s all that really matters.


Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don't work out (profession, hobbies, etc.) I love hanging out with my partner, I love boxing ( so don’t give me any crap) I like sightseeing, reading and laughing a lot.


What are your future plans for 2004/2005? Eating plenty (organic only of course) Moving to Sydney just for a change, meet some new people. I would like to compete internationally in bodybuilding 2005 and travel a bit more. So many opportunities out there it is endless but I will definitely keep you informed.


Thank you for featuring me.




SHARON's Photo Gallery:


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