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Welcome to the Page of the marveous, very muscular and attractive IFBB Professional Bodybuilder KRISTY HAWKINS!

(all pictures are used by Kristy's personal permission)



Some Info about KRISTY:


Where and when were you born? Longview, TX; August 28, 1980


Where do you live now? Pasadena, CA


What is your profession? Graduate student in chemical engineering


What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting
I was never really involved in other sports prior to bodybuilding but began working out in middle school.


How and when did you get involved into lifting weights? I always used to play around in the weight room while my mom did aerobics but was not able to lift consistently until I turned 16. It was something I always wanted to do and finally had the means (a job and a car) to do it.


Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the
beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you
saw the progress in your body?
In the beginning, I was lifting primarily to control my weight and because it made me feel good about myself. It was only about a year before the owners of my gym approached me about competing in a show they were putting on. They taught me all the basics of dieting and posing and the rest is history.


What was your first competition and how did you place? I traveled with some people from the gym to Mississippi for an ANPPC show when I was 17 and still in high school. I placed 3rd in the novice women’s short class.


And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet? I had a lot of successes last year, but the Pittsburgh Open was my first overall title. That is probably the most memorable, but I was very happy to go on to Jr. Nationals and place 4th in my first national level show.


Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far?

1998 ANPPC Mississippi Open-Novice Women Short Class 3rd Place
1998 AAU Mr/Mrs Southwest America-Novice Women Medium Class 1st Place and Best Poser
1999 AAU Mr/Mrs Southwest America-Open Women Short Class 1st Place and Best Poser
1999 NGA Texas-Novice Women Short Class 3rd Place
2000 ANPPC Southwest USA Natural Bodybuilding Championships-Novice Women Short Class 3rd Place 
2002 NPC Michigan Championships-1st Place Lightweight
2002 NPC Pittsburgh Open-3rd Place Lightweight
2003 NPC Ronnie Coleman Classic-1st Place Middleweight
2003 NPC Pittsburgh Open-1st Place Middleweight and Overall
2003 NPC Lone Star Classic-1st Place Heavyweight and Overall
2003 NPC Jr. Nationals-4th Place Middleweight

2004 NPC Jr. Nationals-5th Place Light heavyweight

2004 NPC North American Championships - 4th Place Light heavyweight

2005 NPC Nationals - 4th Place Light heavyweight

2006 NPC Nationals - 3rd Place Light heavyweight

2007 NPC Nationals-1st Place Light-heavyweight and Overall (earned IFBB pro card)

2008 Ms. International (Pro Debut) - 14th Place


Please describe a typical day in the life of Kristy Hawkins.
Since I am a full-time graduate student, my schedule can vary quite a bit as I sometimes have to plan my life around my experiments. Typically, I wake up at 5:30am, have a protein shake and go to the gym to train and do cardio. Then I come home, shower and pack my food for the day, and am in the lab or class by 9am. Right now, I try to leave work by 7 or 8pm to get my second hour of cardio in. I go back to the gym, come home, shower, eat and go to bed hopefully by 10 or 11pm. Things may slow down a bit once I am done competing this year, but honestly, I will probably just spend more hours in the lab.


Please tell me something about your daily training routine. I love training early in the morning! The gym is not crowded, and it is a great way to start the day and be sure you get your workout in.


How often do you train in a week? I train 6 days a week.


What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in
I don’t change the exercises I do or the amount of weight I lift; I typically just do more cardio precontest.


If you don't mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
Incline bench: 205 lbs: 195 lbs
Barbell rows: 245 lbs
Squat: 315 lbs
Deadlift: 315 lbs
Dumbbell curls: 50 lbs
Military press: 75 lb dumbbells


Which bodypart is your best in your opinion? My back


What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don't like so much? One of my favorite exercises is barbell rows. I think squats are one exercise everyone loves to hate.


Judging in Women's Bodybuilding has always been criticized in one or the other way. But please tell me your honest thoughts about today's judging in Women's Bodybuilding. I don’t know that I have any criticisms per se because the sport is so subjective. There are definite criteria, but I think the judges often have a personal preference for a particular look. This can be true in women’s and men’s bodybuilding. I think it is unfortunate to see a woman who is pro-quality place lower than expected because a judge thinks she is too muscular or too hard. They are supposed to be going for a more feminine look, but it is difficult to know how to come in for any given show.


Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don't work out(profession, hobbies, etc.) I am getting heavily involved in my research now that I have gotten the majority of my coursework out of the way here at Caltech. My focus is on metabolic engineering in yeast, specifically developing inducible promoter systems to control gene expression. The ultimate goal is to be able to synthesize complex molecules (i.e. pharmaceuticals) in yeast and to optimize these pathways for industrial-scale production. Many of the tools my group develops may have applications in gene therapy which is another exciting opportunity down the road. I also enjoy hiking, going to museums, taking short road trips, going to the beach, and taking advantage of all there is to do in southern California. When I have a moment to sit at home and relax, I enjoy cross-stitching and watching movies.


What are your future plans for 2004/2005? I am currently training for Jr. Nationals in June 2004. After that, I will probably take a break from competing (but not training) to focus on other interests.


Please note:

Kristy does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




KRISTY's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 1-4 & 11-12 are courtesy of Tom Nine

© Photos 5-10 are courtesy of Muscle Angels



Video clips:


Video clip (24.4 MB)  Video clip (32.9 MB)

© Video clip on the left is courtesy of HerBiceps

© Video clip on the right is courtesy of FemFlex



Please also check out Kristy's own website at:



Kristy can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Kristy



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