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Last update:


October 23rd 2019



Muscled Women and Giantesses 3D VR Experience since 2016

I'm developing and creating a game like Virtual Reality Amazon World (VR Amazons), populated with muscled women  and giantesses in several different scenes.

You will need an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to dive in this world and meet and interact with the Amazons in real world full human body size.
For those without VR equipment: VR-Amazons detects if you got VR equipment plugged in, if not, game control changes and you can play on normal screen. (But believe me, the orgasmic value is much much less ;-) )

And that's not all, it's a matriarchy, where the women are the Boss, the Police, the Strong, the Tall, the Warrior, the Marine, the Space Hero, the Blacksmith, the One With The Whip, the Sitting On Top.
VR-Amazons female muscle world will get bigger and bigger with time and more Amazons will populate this world. It's an ongoing project and as long as you awesome supporters like, it will grow and grow.

Also get 180° VR-Videos of real muscle women.



VR AMAZONS Sample Animations:



Video clip 2



VR AMAZONS Sample Gallery:


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© Pictures are courtesy of VR AMAZONS


Please find much more on the VR AMAZONS Website:


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