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Welcome to the Page of the extremely attractive and very muscular Bodybuilder from Chile ELIA NAHUELHUAL!

(all pictures are used by Elia's personal permission)



Some Info about ELIA:


Where and when were you born?
I born on 26th September, in Santiago of Chile (Southamerica)

What is your profession?
I am a personal trainer and internacional chef, but I`don’t work in that area. I work preparing atlethes and normal people, helping them with the diet, supplements guide and exercises routine.

Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to bodybuilding and how did you get started with weight training?
I started to train after my daughter Natalie born. First I was interested on fitness, after I compete and won several contest in that category, I turn in to a bodybuilder. Becouse I like to train hard with heavy weights.

Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
It was something that arrive since my body started to change, and get muscles. But always like`s the female bodybuilders. For the big grade of determination and sacrifice, that this dicipline demand`s.

Can you give me your competition history?
2002: - First place National Tournament IFBB, Vińa del Mar, Chile. BodyFitness Category.
- First place “Copa San Felipe” BodyFitness category.
- First place “IFSA Noche de Campeones”. Santiago. Bodyfitness category.
- First place “Copa Leme” Valparaiso. Bodyfitness category.
- First place “Copa Merlo” Buenos Aires, Argentina. BodyFitness category.
- Second place “Copa Master” Buenos Aires, Argentina. BodyFitness category.
- Third place “Bonaerense” Buenos Aires, Argentina. BodyFitness.
2004: - Third place “Panamerican games IFBB” Guatemala. BodyFitness category.
- First place “IFSA Noche de Campeones”. Santiago. Bodybuilding category – 57 kg.
2005: - Second place “Southamerican Games IFBB”. Brazil.Curitiba. Bodybuilding category – 57 kg.
2006: - Seventh place in “World Championship´s IFBB Santa Susana, Espańa” Bodybuilding category + 57 kg.
2007: - Second place "Southamerican games IFBB".Paraguay Bodybuilding category +57 kg.
2009: - Eight place in "Arnold Calssic Amateur" Middleweight

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?

For me the most important was my first show, cause I don’t expect anything but I won the overall, and I was 2 days for my birthday, so that was my best gift.

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.)
I train 6 days per week, and I practice Box,Spinning and Taekwondo.

I split like this my routine:
Monday: Legs-Box-Spinning
Tuesday: Chest-Abs-Taekwondo
Wednesday: Back-Calves-Box-Spinning
Thursday: Legs-Taekwondo
Friday: Biceps-Triceps-Box-Spinning
Saturday: Shoulders and Hamstrings

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
My favorite is Chest and Shoulders,I enjoy doeing presses. I don’t really like the legs day,cause I have a injury on my knees,so I cant train really hard like I want to do.But I love all the excercises in all muscles.

Which body part is your best in your opinion?
My body part most develop is a calves and chest, I grow very fast in that muscles.

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
On dead lift 300 lb
On press bench 200lb
On squad 300lb
On curl biceps 70lb

And my body measures is:
Arm: 38cm
Calves: 40cm
Cuadriceps: 55cm
Chest 100 cm

What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?
I enjoy do diet and feel the discipline in the mind, and when I train I get very focus on my training and I love to feel strong…and the off season I like to eat more carbohidrats and course feel with full energy to train very hard and good!

Please describe a typical day in the life of Elia Nahuelhual.
I wake up 6am,go to school to leave my daughter there...then go to gym to do work with my clients,I train taekwondo 11am untill 1pm, then I go to the school to pic up my daughter ,then I return to home and work all day on the computer ,untill 7pm that is the time fo r Box and 8pm is the time for Spinning,9pm I train with lift,then I have my last client untill 11pm,after that I return to home foe cook and prepare all the things for the next day!!! I get sleep untill 2am!!!!

Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out (hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.)
I like to take massage with a quiropractic friend, I like to see movies and go out with friends, but I like to be in home home you can take the right meals and feel free to rest when you need. I don’t have much time to do a hobby, I like hard rock music,and I love to play drums, and...I just love spend time with my family, friends and my dogs.

What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
The way of that discipline focus your life. I love to feel healthy and strong ,and eat right for the future no be a old woman with lot of deseases typical of a sedentary lifestyle.

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
Im am native Chilean woman, and my blood is from a warrior kingdom. I call that “Fuerza de Arauco”. That makes me feel very proud of that and I think than that’s makes me so discilplined with the bodybuilding lifestyle.

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
I wish to win a Southamerican IFBB games this year, on 2005 and 2006 I took the 2nd place,If is not possible this year I will keep tryng and maybe after that I will have my Pro-card. In my life I wish to be exactly like this days, enjoying my freedom cause Im single woman now and Im so happy about that!!! with my united family (My daughter, Mom Dad my best friends and 3 dogs) Im very gratefull with my life and the people who I know. I wanna keep doeing bodybuilding until my last days… Thanks.


Please note:
Elia does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




ELIA's Photo Gallery:


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Please also check out Elia's blog at:



Elia can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Elia



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