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Welcome to the Page of the incredibel attractive, beautifully muscled Australian IFBB Pro Figure Competitor KELLI JOHNSON!

(all pictures are used by Kelli's personal permission)



Some Info about KELLI:


Kelli Johnson


“Big Kel” (hee hee)


Date of birth/star sign
15/05/1966 “Taurus”


Birth place


Country/state you live
Sunshine Coast QLD Australia


Married to Colin


Family, brothers, sisters Children, etc.?
1 brother Matt, Mum Lorraine, Step Father Warren, 2 children Paige 11yrs, Kyle 7yrs


Do you have pets
1 Siamese cat (Holly)! Burmese cat (Oscar)


Favourite car
My Toyota land cruiser


Favourite colour


Hair colour
Dark brown


Colour eyes




Contest weight


Off season weight


Personal trainer


Painting 4 wheel driving


What do you do to relax?
Go to the beach Visit friends; Read a book


Why did you start weight training/when?
I have always been involved in sports and it just seemed like a natural progression and I believe that as a personal trainer it is in my best interest to fully understand and live what I teach others to do.


Where do you train?
I am fortunate enough to have a commercial studio at home


Do you have a training partner?
No, it would be nice to have a training partner some times, but I really enjoy training by myself.


Typical training week?
4-5 days Include ie My training depends on my competition schedule, I have no set routine as I find that most of the time I train instinctively and that also varies according to which body parts that I want to improve. Reps, exercises, I ask the opinions of people I respect in the sport and follow the good advice.


Any techniques used.


Favourite exercise
Dead lifts


Hate to do exercise
Leg extensions


The one exercise everyone must do


Best/biggest lift
100 kg squat


Your best body part?


Anything you would like to improve?
Mid section


Competition history
2003 1st IFBB Miss Brisbane
2003 3rd IFBB Australasia
2003 2nd IFBB Queensland
2004 1st IFBB Miss Brisbane
2004 1st IFBB Miss Queensland
2004 1st IFBB Miss Australia
2005 1st IFBB Miss Southern States
2005 2nd IFBB Australasia


Most memorable competition moment.
Winning the Australian Open Women’s Figure


Worse/embarrassing competition moment.
Forgetting my costume at the 2004 QLD titles


Competition diet.
I respond well to a very high protein, low carbs (this, I vary weekly according to how I look and what the callipers tell me) I include a good amount of fat and am continuously drinking water.


What supplements do you use?
Glutamine, HMB and creatine, I find the GHC3 by body science works for me, I also take multivitamins, colloidal minerals and an antioxidants as well as HGH(powerzone nutrition) and Max’s HP+ and when my stomach is sensitive I use Nectar from Sentrax ie amino acids


Mention any sponsors
I would like to thank my sponsors John, Fay and Daniel from ADA Street Discount Supplements, who without their continuous support and excellent advice on supplementation would not have achieved the winning results I have over the past 3 years


Favourite diet food if you have one?
Avocado and coriander salsa with chicken


When dieting is finished what is your all time favourite meal?
Pancakes with bacon, eggs, maple syrup, cream and caramelised banana (yummy)


Favourite drink.
Protein, Banana and yoghurt smoothy, coffee with cream


Who do you admire most in your sport?
Di Shipway, Glen Purtell, Andrea and Rod Sylvia and Michelle Austin


Who do you admire most outside your sport?
My husband, children and my mum who has supported every thing I have chosen to do in life.


Who has had the most impact on your life? How?
My husband Colin for always encouraging me to be the best I can (and for telling me when I’m not)


How has weight training affected your life and sport?
When I was competing in equestrian, I was told that if I didn’t stop I would be in a wheel chair because of spinal problems. It was then I decided to do all I could to strengthen my lower back and it progressed into what I am doing now.


Goals and aspirations for your future in your sport?
To compete as a professional at the figure Olympia and the Arnold classic.


Hopes and ambitions for your personal life?
To continue with the excellent life that I already have and be able to have more time available to do the fun things!


The best tip you could pass on to someone starting off in your sport?
Start immediately No exceptions No excuses Be the best that YOU can be And ALWAYS pack 2 costumes for every competition!


If there was anything you could change or improve about your sport what is it?
It would be great to see more sponsorship and publicity for the figure division as this category opens up a sport for a lot of women to participate in. it would also be nice to read more articles on the accomplishments of women in this sport.


Brief background on your life, sporting history, including other sports you have played etc.
Mostly gymnastics and track and field at school then on to international competitive equestrian


Anyone you want to thank.
I would like to say an extremely BIG thankyou to my beautiful sponsors, contest shoes and bikinis( for supplying me with contest shoes and bikinis made and designed by Jo Rogers (legendary Australian Bodybuilder) Also thankyou to Geoff and the team at kawana coast realty, Beck and the girls at Tantalize tanning studio, every one at Coast Chiropractic and Annie Single at Qld institute of cinemagraphic makeup artistry (QICMA)Di Shipway ( ) and Glen Purtell for their support and excellent advice and for being such great friends. Rod and Andrea Sylvia for their generosity, support and friendship, and Michelle Austin for getting me started with the right advice from day one.


Additional interesting or boring stuff you want to say. 
20 quick questions.
1. First thing you think of in the morning? Food


2. Favourite smell? Freshly ground coffee


3. What is your favourite cartoon? South park


4. Which do you prefer chicken or beef? Chicken


5. What is your favourite time of year? Holidays at Moreton Island


6. Do you have any tattoos? What or if not would you get one? Yes, on my Rt shoulder blade


7. Where on your body do you like to be massaged? Back and shoulders


8. Storms - cool or scary? Cool


9. You prefer seaside, country or city? Seaside


10. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Fore sight


11. What's most important, strong in mind or strong in body? Strong in mind


12. Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex? Hands


13. What's under your bed? That’s a secret


14. What is your favourite sport to watch? Rally driving


15. What makes you really angry? Double standards


16. One thing you can’t live without? independence


17. What is your favourite sound The ocean


18. If you could have any job what would it be? “the President”


19. Are you a night or morning person? That depends on which day of the week it is!


20. One word to describe yourself. determined


Please note:

Kelli does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




KELLI's Photo Gallery:


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© Photos 1-7 are courtesy of Allan Vella



Please also check out Kelli's own website at:



Kelli can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Kelli



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