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Welcome to the Page of the very attractive and beautifully muscled Professional Fitness/Figure Competitor LINDA CUSMANO!

(all pictures are used by Linda's permission)



Some Info about LINDA:


Where and when were you born?
I was born March 17th in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What is your profession?
Self Employed. I own my business Body Rush Personal Training & Lifestyle Consultation I am also a fitness writer and model although I would call this more of a hobby, like competing, you don’t make money in these areas.

Were you involved in sports or fitness prior to figure and how did you get started with weight training?
I tried. I wanted to do dance, gymnastics I even was a breakdancer but because of asthma I was held back quite a bit, more at home sick than at school. I really began once my dr. put me on some THEN, new drugs. This was 10 years ago, then I was able to really break free and exercise, do sports, run etc. I got fit and recovered from a death in the family and anorexia all with weight training, cardio and prospects toward a new career and competing.

Was it a goal for you to compete in figure competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
The later I suppose.

Can you give me your competition history?
November 18th, - 2006 7th place Fitness Short SWFC
November 18th, - 2006 13th place Figure Short SWFC
April 1st 2006 - 1st place FAME West Pairs Bodybuilding
April 1st, 2006 - 2nd place FAME WestT Lightweight bodybuilding
2005 -off
July 30th, 2004 - 1st place Vegas World Pro Womens Tri Fitness Event - Fitness Short 30-34
July 30th, 2004 - 12th place Vegas World Pro Womens Tri Fitness Event - Fitness overall
July 30th, 2004 - 17th place Vegas World Pro Womens Tri Fitness Event - Tri-fitness overall
May 30th, 2004 - 3rd place Obstacle Course Challenge FAME World Event
May 29th, 2004 - 17th place Fitness Canada Pageant
May 29th, 2004 - 7th place FAME Figure
May 29th 2004 - FAME Fitness Model 250 competitors not sure of placing, not top 20
April 23rd, 2004 - 11th place Emerald Cup Fitness Short
April 23rd, 2004 - 12th place Emerald Cup Figure Medium
2003 -off
Sept 21st 2002 - 3rd place World Pro Ms. Exercise WNBF
Sept 21st 2002 - 4th place Amateur Figure WNBF
Sept 7th 2002 - 4th place FVF Strength Competition
July 20th 2002 - 17th place TSN Fitness Canada Pageant
July 19th 2002 - 4th place ESPN series One Fitness
Nov 4th, 2001 - 4th Place Natures Best Natural Pro Ms. Exercise
April 21st 2001 - 4th place short class Bodybuilding ANBC Western Canadians
April 21st 2001- 2nd place Fitness ANBC Western Canadians
April 7th, 2001 - 4th Place Lightweight Novice Bodybuilding CNBF Western Canadians
May 2000 - 21stplace Fitness Universe (WNSO Pro)
November 13, 1999 - 1st place Ms. Fitness CNBF Western Naturals (CNBF pro card)
August 21, 1999 - 6th place Fitness Canada
July 10, 1999 - 4th place Ms. Fitness Gold’s Naturals Provincial
June 19, 1999 - 1st place Ms. Fitness Model Nationals
June 19, 1999 - 1st place Ms. Fitness Nationals
June 19, 1999 1st place Ms. Figure Nationals
May 8, 1999 Placed top 5 Ms. Fitness Muscle Mania
Apr 16, 1999 Placed top 10 Fitness Emerald Cup
Apr 2, 1999 Placed top 10 Fitness Vancouver
Mar 6, 1999 - 2nd place Ms. Fitness Inland Empire
Mar 6, 1999 - 2nd placed Ms. Figure Inland Empire
May 2, 1998 placed top 10 BC Provincial Ms. Fitness Championships
April 25, 1998 - 3rd place Prince George Pro Lab Classic Ms. Fitness Championships
April 18, 1998 - 2nd Place Victoria Gator’s Classic Ms. Fitness Championships
1997 - Off
April 27, 1996 - 3rd place BC Provincial Ms. Fitness Championship

Which contest has been your biggest success; which has had the most meaning to you?
My Pro card wins.

Please tell me something about your training routine (ie: how many days per week / training split /cardio, etc.)
I have full journals at a few forums I moderate as well at my bodyspace at
I have a Blog and online journal (Womens section also the forum) at which has more info and details on my diet and training for on, off and pre season. I will be featured in a few contest prep and off season prep videos at as I start from the bottom again and now work toward my IFBB fitness and figure pro cards.

What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
Well of course I dislike the ones I am weak at so then I do them MORE! My fave is the flag, I saw Stallone do it in Rocky 4 in a training scene, tried it, and its tough, impressive. I also like doing 1 arm chins and 1 arm pushups, its hilarious to see men’s reactions – that is the fun part!

Which body part is your best in your opinion?

If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
This info is also included in my journals and at my bodyspace at Check it out!

What do you enjoy about training for competition....what do you enjoy about the 'off season'?
It makes me stay focused or I get lazy and stay out of the gym for months! I like the off season for the bulking stage. I eat 4k cals per day and train for strength so my weights go up when I get into size training so I do reps from 6-8 a lot, sometimes 10 but the weight gets impressive so its fun! You can really push and see what you are made of. During pre season and hypertrophy training I work at 70-75% max so its fun but not as impressive and for on season I also do stints of lighter weight and higher reps, that is grueling!!!! And I hate using dinky dumbbells but whatever, you do what you need to get the results and so my training has to change and be so!

Please describe a typical day in the life of Linda Cusmano.
Clients, my workout, chores such as taking out dogs, food/grocery, household, more work online, some TV………….and during some of the year more training again at night. In there is occasional outings, family visits or whatever.
I am very simple. Over the past 10 years competing my life has become very simple because it was very expensive to compete and still is so you sacrifice a lot of outings and fun, etc as your money then goes towards thousands in suits, shoes, music etc etc etc. I started clubbing very young and stopped at 19! Then I went through the party stage and full time job, boyfriend deal etc. But my mom got old and needed me around more and needs me to help her so in being settled and competing, I keep it simple.
Up until a few years ago I was competing numerous times per year, traveling and in more than one class at each show. It was very very costly and would take me a year after to catch up financially then I would repeat the process. Once I achieved the pro cards I wanted in the natural circuit and competed in all the shows I wanted to try out I saved this goal for last. Now I have started competing once per year or so at most since the tier system does not allow for much cross competing etc.

Please tell me about what you do when you don’t work out ( hobbies, what do you do to relax?, etc.)
Hiking and such with the dogs, movies, TV, inline skating, kickboxing, jogging. Family time etc.

What do you enjoy most about the bodybuilding/fitness lifestyle?
My body results, the push it gives me to keep bettering myself, I constantlyl compete with myself! Always striving to be better and better and as I go along the results are fabulous! Side effects, better health, better sleep, look better…………how can you resist?

Tell me something interesting about yourself, something people may be surprised to hear.
I think I did when I told you about my simple little life!!!
Um………..I like Michael Jackson??? Only people who know me long and well know that…………….

What are your competition goals or personal future goals?
IFBB pro card for Fitness and Figure.


Please note:

Linda does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!




LINDA's Photo Gallery:


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© Photo 8 is courtesy of Rob Sims



Please also check out Linda's own website at:



Linda can be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]


E-mail Linda



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